Yesterday I started designing for the
Stereohype Button Badge competition.
I entered a couple of years ago but it was before I really had the equipment that I have now
and so I don't feel that the designs weren't very impressive.
For this year I didn't have any initial ideas and so I did what I always do when stuck,
I doodled! And that's essentially how the 'ice cream viking' was born.
Well, food on people's heads soon turned in to food AS people's heads,
which then evolved in to:
THE BAD APPLES *cue epic guitar riff*
They're rotten to the core, baby!
However, this design was much too large to fit on to a weenie little badge,
so I split them in to pairs, which looked like this!
...much better!
But now, I've realised that the writing on these delicious badges may not actually
be legible when it comes to their eventual reduced size!
So it's back to the drawing board for now.
Though you can probably expect these fruity folk to be appearing as t-shirts and stickers
via Red Bubble soon.
Altogether I'm happy that I got this illustration out in 1 day, so
I'm pretty sure the next step will be a breeze too.